Primary Colours


RGB 60, 68, 77

Hex #3C444D


RGB 0, 71, 186

Hex #0047BA

Mid Blue

RGB 0, 125, 224

Hex #007DE0

Light Blue

RGB 0, 181, 242

Hex #00B5F2


RGB 1, 196, 97

Hex #01C461


RGB 165, 116, 209

Hex #A574d1

Light Grey

RGB 250, 250, 250


Mid Grey

RGB 240, 242, 242

Hex #F0F2F2


RGB 210, 210, 210

Hex #D2D2D2

Dark Grey

RGB 179, 179, 179

Hex #B3B3B3

Dark Blue

RGB 0, 59, 112

Hex #003B70


RGB 242, 92, 92

Hex #F25C5C


RGB 61, 229, 199

Hex #3DE5C7


RGB 255, 158, 48

Hex #FF9E30


RGB 245, 115, 176

Hex #F573B0


RGB 255, 209, 64

Hex #FFD140

Photoshop Swatch Library

Download Colours (PSD)

Example - Default Text

Prepare For Success "Charcoal #3c444d" used for titles

Each week, I unlock up to three of these tasks for you to complete. I can't stress enough how important these are! These tasks will help familiarise you with the program, get organised and get your head in the right space. "Charcoal #3c444d" used for body text

Example - linked Text

Prepare For Success "Mid Blue #007DE0" used for linked titles

Each week, I unlock up to three of these tasks for you to complete. I can't stress enough how important these are! These tasks will help familiarise you with the program, get organised and get your head in the right space. "Mid Blue #007DE0" used for linked body text

Example - Highlighted Text

Prepare For Success "Green #00C460" used for highlight titles

Each week, I unlock up to three of these tasks for you to complete. I can't stress enough how important these are! These tasks will help familiarise you with the program, get organised and get your head in the right space. "Green #00C460" used for highlight body text

Example - Feature Module

Prepare For Success

Each week, I unlock up to three of these tasks for you to complete. I can't stress enough how important these are! These tasks will help familiarise you with the program, get organised and get your head in the right space.

"Purple #634CB7" used for featured content

Example - Join Module

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"Mid Blue #007DE0" used for Join content